Monday 25 June 2012

Politically Correct??

Why have we, as a society, become so concerned about political correctness that our country's traditions are being swept under the carpet?  Why are we expected to cater to immigrants' beliefs, while ours are pushed aside or buried?  Why do we allow this?  Yes, we have become a multi-cultural society with a huge variety of religions, but I don't see why we should have to change the traditions we grew up with simply to please those who did not.  When you immigrate to a new country, aren't you supposed to embrace the country's traditions and begin anew?

Now, I'll tell you what got me thinking about this subject.  A school, which both my daughters attended, had to send a petition to parents to keep the Lord's prayer recital, after singing the national athem, each  morning.  Canada is a country founded in Christianity, and the Lord's prayer has been recited in schools for many generations.  Why must we give up a good, solid tradition simply because it offends someone's opposing faith or perhaps atheism?  People need something to believe in.

Why did Canadians allow Seiks to wear their turbans rather than the traditional RCMP hat back in the '80's?  I don't think it is racism (which, by the way, I believe governments create) to ask someone to honor our traditional uniform.  It is not progress.  It is erosion.

Yet another politically correct conversion is "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas".  Why?  Since you are living in Canada, I assume you are Canadian; therefore, "Merry Christmas" should be okay rather than offensive.  Even Christmas is not what it used to be.  It has become a commercial farce, geared to spend, spend, spend.  Christmas used to be about kindness and love.

Change is a good thing.  Moving forward is a good thing.  The slow erosion of this country's values are not.