Wednesday 25 July 2012

War on Drugs

As I watched a documentary yesterday about drug-abusers, it angered and sickened me.  In today's society, we have enabled an illegal habit by providing free syringes and a "safe" place to administer these illegal substances.  Yes, I understand the concept is to prevent communicable disease.

Why does this anger me so much?  Simple.  Addicts have choices -- just like the rest of the free-thinking world.  If you choose to take illegal drugs, then accept the consequences of sitting in a dirty back-alley with rats for company -- or worse -- when you "shoot up".

Why does the government provide syringes to addicts but not the citizens of this country with injection-required diseases -- such as diabetes? 

As the parent of a child with diabetes, I am well aware of the cost of syringes, needle tips for insulin pens, and infusion sets for insulin pumps.  The government certainly does not give us any supplies so my child can LIVE.  She has no choice but to accept the consequences of this disease.  She cannot choose to quit taking her insulin.  If she did, she would die.  Not withdraw.  Die.

An addict can choose to stop.  They also choose to continue this self-destructive habit.  Why help them?  The only help they should receive is a one-way ticket to rehabilitation, each and every time they are caught in possession of illegal drugs.  There should be no court date required.

Ditto for the traffickers.  No court trial.  No jury.  Just a judge sending them directly to prison.  Most are caught red-handed.  What more proof do you need?  If you are a trafficker, not born in Canada, you go back to your motherland.  Done deal.  Do not pass go; do not collect $200.

The government does not support the war on drugs when it supplies syringes and "safe" places for addicts to practice their self-destruction.  It enables them. 

Stop enabling addicts and start spending money on those with real, medical diseases.  Start providing the most up-to-date treatments for those who need them but cannot afford them. 

Enough already.  Quit dancing around the topic and deal with it.