Thursday 2 August 2012

Clouds of Negativity

It is really disappointing to return to a city, only to discover the same clouds of negativity choking the life out of what could be a wonderful place to live.  Attitudes define you.  They define your community.  The City of Grande Prairie is drowning in unhappiness and rotten attitudes.  With everyone's help, we can change this.

I recently lived in another province.  It, too has many issues, as does every place one might choose to live.  However, there were a few life lessons I learned there: 

a)  Slow down and enjoy life.
b)  Do your best to be kind.
c)  Don't sweat the small stuff.
d)  And, last but not least, public castigation for someone's mistakes is completely unnecessary.

Why would I want to address such a topic?  Reading local newspaper articles with name-calling in the public comments section.  Comments full of castigation for someone's mistake (as if they don't feel bad enough already).  A person in a position to change the value of these contents doesn't believe one person calling another "stupid" is vulgar.  Really???

A link that allows pictures to be posted of people who park too close to a line or take two spots.  Yet another has a picture of a young girl stating she is ugly when she clearly has a medical condition causing her appearance.

Public forums and media have a responsibility to moderate, delete and -- if needed -- legally charge people for their verbal cruelty.  There is no difference between these hurtful words and pictures than a schoolyard bully's actions or words.

Change is imperative.  I choose to be happy, kind, and to report inappropriate comments on public forums.  Just because your screen name gives you anonymity, does not give you the right to be cruel.  If I have to walk an extra three feet because someone parks weird, oh well.

A little kindness goes a long way.  State your opinion -- with dignity and respect.  Put yourself in that person's shoes before you castigate them.  Opinions and debates mean nothing if they are a mud-slinging match.