Thursday 6 October 2016

Refugee or Not to Refugee

I think we've all seen the comparison of Middle Eastern refugees:  "if you knew 3 candies out of 100 were poisonous, would you take a handful?"  Valid point.

Many have also seen the counter argument:  "I'd take several handfuls if meant saving a few people from a worn torn region".  Also a valid point.

Realistically, both of these examples are false.  Here's why:  Three poison candies will realistically kill only three people -- unless you somehow managed to get all 3 in your handful.

Three extremists have the capability to kill many.  Paris.  Brussels.  Orlando.

There really is only one solution:  end the war -- by whatever means -- that will bring a long-lasting peace to that constantly war-torn region.  Don't spread the war by spreading the people.