Friday 18 August 2017

Destroying History??

First of all, I haven't been following this story very closely and am sure I'm lacking on the nitty-gritty details.  I'm thoroughly disgusted by people in the US who willfully destroyed a confederate statue this week, in response to a white nationalist rally in another area where a woman died.  How is this in any way a justification???  Isn't there law enforcement dealing with it?  Wasn't someone arrested?  Do you extremists feel better now or you have something else to destroy because there wasn't "enough" done?

I've wondered for ages how destroying a statue changes -- or rewrites -- history...  That's a seriously twisted corner of a person's mind to think destroying the symbol erases the history.  Honestly, I think it creates more hatred from one side to the other.  What happened historically, still happened.  There was still slavery, and that fact is still in every damn history book available.  The past cannot be changed.  What can be changed is our present and future.  Unless we continue this bullshit mindset of "us against them".

To me, an extremist is an extremist.  Whether they are a "white nationalist" or "antifa".  You all need to learn to play nicer in the middle of the sandbox because neither of your mindsets is right.  Let the past go. Learn from it, yes, but MOVE FORWARD and please.  Quit behaving like spoiled children who haven't gotten their way.