Sunday 27 September 2020

Why Covid Rules are Useless

 #1 - one way aisles in stores

Ask yourself what difference it makes if we are all going the same direction in an aisle — or opposite directions. If you’re breathing, your “droplets” are in the air regardless. It makes them no less dangerous for me to breathe them in coming from behind you, than it does if I’m in front of you. 

#2 - masks

While they absolutely slow the droplets being expelled to the front of your body, they do nothing to prevent the escape to the side and into your eyes. Also, many mask wearers are constantly fiddling with them. Lowering them. Raising them. Hanging them under their noses. Wearing them about their chins. Putting them back over their noses. Now. If covid can live on surfaces up to 72 hours, and you’ve just touched multiple contaminated surfaces — and then your face, what have you just done? Potentially infected yourself. Without the mask, you certainly wouldn’t have been touching your face as often. 

Also, there are bacterial diseases caused by mask wearing — particularly if you wear them too long without changing them or not washing them frequently enough.  Legionnaires is one.

Plus, the majority of these disposable masks come from the country that infected the world to begin with. Oh, and let’s not forget how much more we are impacting the environment with these  

#3 - closures and crowd restrictions

If social distancing works, we should be quite all right hanging out with one another with the appropriate distance between us, but, no, we are all gonna die if there’s more than 50-100 in the same room.

And WHY did we close small businesses down but Walmart, Costco, Canadian Tire, Rona, and Home Depot got to remain open? Now, the topic is how poor the economy is. Yes. Yes, it is. Trudeau intentionally destroyed the economy — particularly small business — but is happily throwing covid money around like its candy. I think the majority of Canadians would’ve preferred to keep the economy going through this virus, rather than having to depend on government hand outs.

#4 - the paranoia

Seriously. Why the extreme paranoia?  The panic buying at the beginning. The glove phase. The masks. The staying away from our loved ones cuz you might kill grandma. What’s the best way to slow a virus??? Oh, right. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. They must have an entrance to the body, and this is most often through mucous membranes.

We’ve been dealing with many viruses over the centuries. Some more deadly than others. Covid is no different than influenza. This family of viruses also kills thousands every year, despite having a vaccine. On top of which, I think far more have had covid BEFORE it was a big deal. Most recovered with no medical intervention whatsoever, but certainly felt worse than with other illnesses.  

The main cause of paranoia with covid? The media and governments won’t shut up about it. And every death is contributed to covid — although 94% of “covid” deaths had an average of 2.5 co-morbidities. Meaning, 2.5 other illnesses that also contributed to that individual’s demise. (Why don’t we have these stats available in Canada?) 

At the end of these restrictions, what will be left? Massive amounts of depression because of forced separation. Ramped up bullying. Anxiety. Germaphobia. Domestic violence. Societal crime. Broken homes due to financial stress. More addiction. More business destroyed. Billions of dollars in federal debt. 

All for what? To “prevent” a virus that will continue to circulate until the human population has achieved some modicum of immunity. Although, the experts say this isn’t possible, while madly attempting to create a vaccine to help us achieve immunity. 

Unfortunately, covid simply feels like a worldwide social experiment to see who is willing to comply vs who will not because they see through the bullshit. 

So. Settle down. Wash your hands. Keep ‘em off your face. But, for gods sakes’, please get busy living instead of trying not to die — cuz we’re all gonna die. It’s the circle of life.