Friday 13 April 2012

People's Belief System

Ever wonder why people think theirs is the only correct belief system?  Especially Christianity.  I was raised in a good, old-fashioned Baptist church, with the solid belief that no one else's religion or opinions mattered.  We were steeped in right and wrong, black and white, with no acceptance for the general differences that make people interesting in the first place.

Christianity, itself, is a mockery of what the bible tries to teach.  I have come to believe that the bible is a history book.  Take from it what you will, but do not be brain-washed in the nastiness that is "Christianity".

Here is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of Christianity:  love thy neighbor as thyself.  Okay.  We all understand that statement, religious or not.  It boils down to simple human kindness.  The hypocrisy lies in the fact that so-called Christians feel it necessary to jam their beliefs down their neighbors' throats because their belief system is the only one that is right.  They judge their neighbors incessantly for real or imagined sins.  Many won't allow their children to play with a sinner's child because they don't want their children to question the correctness --or lack thereof -- of their beliefs.  Christians feel they are better than others and look down their noses at people who do not believe exactly the same as they do.  Of course, this behaviour is excused because God does not expect perfection, only the attempt.  Ergo, it is not hypocrisy.

In my many experiences, Christians are the most unaccepting people on this planet.  They are the reason there is racism (that goes back to the days of the Old Testament).  Blatant unacceptance of homosexuality, unwed mothers, divorces, and "sister" wives, to name only a few of the more prominent social issues.

My opinion of religion is it excuses one's bad behaviour:  the drug addict who blames the devil for putting them there (rather than acknowleding their own poor choices) and Jesus who saved them from it (again, nothing to do with their own inner strength and desire for a better life).  The one who starves on the street because Jesus didn't provide them a job (get off your ass and find one?).  The believer who allows a child to die because their regligion doesn't allow blood transfusions (seriously, you'd rather watch your child suffer when there is such an easy cure?).

This is not to say that the Bible doesn't contain many good life wisdoms.  It most certainly does.  The one I try to live by the most is "Do unto others as you would have done unto you".  This statement falls into the category of "karma", if you will.

I have turned my back on all organized religions, for the amount of evil they contain.  I believe, simply, that I must be kind to others.  I'll help you if I can.  If you are desperate for food, I will do my best to give you some.  Money?  Sorry -- lending money to friends is a sure death to an otherwise good friendship.  Need a place to stay? Okay.  For a short period of time.  Who knows when I may need all of these same kindnesses?

Am I a good person all the time?  Absolutely not.  It is what it is, but I try, without judgement, with kindness and acceptance.

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