Friday 18 May 2012

Automated Phone Systems

I think there is little else in this world as frustrating as an automated phone system.  It lists off the categories the company THINKS you may have issues with.  How often have you been left staring at your handset wondering which button to push?  Too many times to count!

What do you do?  I have been known to push any button that will get me a representative.  If they have to transfer me, so be it.  I have also been known to scream into the phone to "get me a @#$! person" and any other number of atrocities.  I must say, my husband was completely horrified the first time he heard me do this!  It's not like you can insult a computer with rudeness, right?  I have often wondered if this behaviour is recorded, but somehow never manage to control my frustration after selecting several different choices and still not getting a "person".

I understand why companies choose this method.  A computer is rarely overloaded with calls, sending all customers a busy signal for hours on end.  It is also more cost effective.  However, it would be nice to have fewer choices involved before getting that voice on the other end.  Often, I am so frustrated by the time I get the representative, I am barely civil. 

Do I feel for the people who have to answer cranky calls like mine?  Absolutely.  Maybe it's time for large companies to start putting a bit of exemplary customer service back.  Get rid of the cold computer that does nothing to help your customers.  Besides, most countries have employment issues right now.  Having a person answer the call, rather than a computer, would help this issue, would it not?

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