Thursday 27 June 2013

Positions of Authority

"With great power, comes great responsibility. "

Truer words have never been spoken.  Why then do people -- such as the RCMP -- abuse their power?

I think just about everyone nation wide has heard about the flooding in southern Alberta.  A little town called High River was completely devastated by this flood.  Thirteen thousand people are homeless.  Homeless.

At first firefighters, military and RCMP were part of the solution, ensuring flooded residents reached safety.  All that has changed.

RCMP have been illegally entering homes and confiscating weapons, in the name of safety.  There are blockades set up.  There is tight control on those allowed to enter this devastated zone.

It is the RCMP and military who have forcibly entered many homes, presumably to ensure residents' safety, yet they have allowed some residents to stay because they refuse to evacuate.  They have made people's formerly secure homes unsecure; thereby giving them an excuse to remove weapons in the interest of public safety.

I believe this act would be called break and entry, with a few theft charges rammed in there.  Why are the officers committing these crimes not being charged? If they were not wearing a uniform, they most certainly would be charged for such lowly crimes.

If you have authority, don't aggravate a volatile situation.  These people need kindness and understanding.  They need communication.  They need to see their properties so they can begin making decisions and moving forward.

Quit riding the ego train and start being part of the solution.  Quit abusing the power of your authority by stealing the few belongings some have left.  Quit destroying property that Mother Nature so nastily abused.  Actually, RCMP Officers, do the world a favor -- pull your heads out of your asses and grow a heart!!!

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