Thursday 30 January 2014

Crazy World

Crazy world?  Just a little. 

Our society has become all about gossip and cruelty.  All you gotta do is hop on the internet to find the latest bit of nastiness about your favorite -- or not so favorite -- celebrity.  You can see updates of your friends -- or not so good friends -- at the click of a button.  Then, you can sit and judge every last single one of them, favorably -- or not.

This morning's topic?  Justin Bieber.  First, there's the petition in at the White House to have him "kicked out" of the U.S. because of his latest stunt.  Personally, they'd be silly to boot him out.  I'm sure he pays several million in taxes each year.

The media -- and every comedian out there -- is having a field day with this.  From photo-shopped pictures making him look like Miley's twin; to smart-ass remarks about making the States keep him 'cause they broke him.  Now, don't get me wrong -- a few of these made me laugh.  I'm not immune to ridiculous comments when they tickle the funny bone.

A local radio station put a question out for a vote to ban his music from it.  Not really that cool.  Why?  Many reasons, but I'll just make three.

#1 -- He's a kid.  Can you honestly sit and look at yourself in the mirror and claim to have done nothing stupid?  EVER???  We've all done stupid stuff, particularly at that age.  Most of us won't admit to it.  However, NONE of us were under the microscope of the paparazzi and media frenzy this kid is.

#2 -- Censorship is a bad thing.  By banning his music, isn't that essentially what we are doing?  We aren't a communist country, last time I looked.  So what difference does it make if we play his music?  Oh, yeah.  None.  We don't have to like him or what he does.  Let's face it.  For every music artist out there who has been a total screw up, we'd have to ban an awful lot of music.  Right back to Elvis Presley.

#3 -- The media constantly gives him free advertising by focusing on his downfalls -- he's probably not even as bad as they make him out to be.  People buy more music.  His name is in the fore-front so no one can forget.  Excellent marketing tactic, I say.

Society has such a cut-throat, judgemental attitude these days, amplified by all social medias.  People feed off of controversy.  If his behaviour "offends" you, then get off the media train.  Ignore it, but for god's sakes, don't feed it if you are against it.

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