Friday 16 January 2015

Collision Capital = Lack of Courtesy

It was all over the news this week in our little city -- we are collision capital.  Collisions with injuries went up a whopping 102%.  This is a little crazy but anyone driving in good ol' Grande Prairie, AB, can see at least two close calls on each fifteen minute drive.  Not kidding.  Thankfully I haven't witnessed more than close calls, but even that is too much.  Because I'm a "people-watcher", I believe the majority of accidents are caused by total Lack of Courtesy.  So I'm going to list a few things I see on a regular basis while driving around because people are not Courteous and have Entitled attitudes.

Most important -- emergency vehicles with sirens wailing and lights flashing have the right of way.  It sickens me to watch so many vehicles carry on their way without yielding to the emergency vehicles.  I get certain times of the day it's harder to pull to the right to stop.  I get you may be at a red light -- in the left hand lane.  However, you MUST find a way to make room for them.  Hop up on the curb.  If it's safe, proceed through your red light and pull to the right.  If you were the one in need of the fire truck, ambulance or RCMP I'm sure you would appreciate this little courtesy so they could arrive faster.

Lane changes really are NOT that hard to accomplish.  You shouldn't -- for your safety and the safety of everyone else on the road -- come to a screeching halt, with your signal light on, holding up traffic, until someone is nice enough to let you in.  Or there is a hole big enough.  Or the light turns red and there is no more traffic.  It's called planning.  If you know you need a certain lane, change early enough it isn't a problem.  Watch how the traffic flows so you can safely change lanes at the speed limit.  It is far easier to change lanes if you are travelling the same speed as the rest of the traffic.  Nor would it kill you to let someone in.   It's actually very painless -- no need to speed up when you see a signal light so the person can't come over.  We are not in a race.

Signal lights -- you know, the little stick on the left of your steering wheel?  Makes the lights flash on the front and back of your vehicle so people know what you're doing?  Easiest thing in the world to use and so very helpful for everyone around you.

Honest.  No one is lying to you.  Red means STOP.  Same with the red sign that says STOP.  They are there for a reason.  Also, yellow doesn't mean "go, but go faster".  Same with yield signs.

Pedestrians also have the right of way.  Since our lovely city lives in the dark during peak driving hours for half the year, pedestrians PLEASE take some of the onus and use reflective material on your outerwear.  Sometimes motorists really can't see you until we are right there -- even on a cross walk -- because of your dark clothing and the dark skies.  And, for god's sake NEVER assume everyone on both sides of the road knows you're there.  Check before you step out from behind the vehicle.

School zones blow chunks, too.  No one seems to care about the safety of other people's children -- and barely about their own children's.  Please don't PASS stopped vehicles in a school zone.  You don't know why they are stopped -- could be letting little people cross and you can't see them.  Don't speed.  U-turns ARE illegal -- especially in school zones.  Also, you are not supposed to impede traffic by allowing your kids to "stop, drop and roll".  I know lots of people do it, me included occasionally, but it is a ticket-able offence.  And don't park on/in cross walks in school zones while dropping off/picking up your kids.  Half the time the parking lot is empty.  Use it.

Quit texting and yapping on your phones.  Whoever is calling/texting can wait five minutes till you arrive at your destination.  Before cell phones, we didn't even care until we got home, so what's the difference now?

Pay attention to road conditions in winter.  While snow removal and ice control has improved some over the last few years, it is still far from great.  Perfect example was Jan 10, 2015.  Snowed all day Friday.  "Significantly", I might add.  Not one plough out over night.  Not one during the day.  No sand or salt trucks either.  Every intersection was glare ice.  Skates would have provided better traction over rubber tires.  Seriously.  Snow removal and ice control is  a 24/7 job in a growing city like ours.  It isn't Monday - Friday, 8 to 5.  The man in charge of roads needs to recognize this and make appropriate amendments.  It would also be great if left-hand turning lanes were cleared properly.  Many are down to just half of what they should be, creating other traffic issues because of it.  Remember, not everyone is an experienced driver and can "read" how slippery that intersection may be. 

Driving too slowly in a designated speed area is every bit as dangerous as driving too fast.  In other words, 20 - 30 km/hour under the stated speed limit is dangerous to you and other drivers.  If you are afraid to drive because of the winter roads, take a taxi, the bus or walk.  But please don't endanger others -- and yourself -- by driving. 

Oh, and last but not least, don't play "games" with other drivers.  Don't like that guy on your ass because you are doing 10 km/hr under?  Speed up or change lanes so he can blow by.  If he does try to go around you, don't be a dick and speed up so he can't get back in front of you.  Let them in.  A car length doesn't make ANY difference in how fast you get somewhere.  If you are doing the speed limit and some one is riding your ass, who cares.    Be patient.  Usually that guy in front of you is driving that way for a reason -- they may see something you cannot.  And it might be ten guys in front of you who knows why there's a sudden line of traffic.

Bottom line is this, collisions are caused by impatient people making bad decisions because of a general Lack of Courtesy.  Everyone who has ever been the operator of a vehicle has been impatient and made mistakes.  What everyone needs to remember is sometimes it really was YOU who fucked up.  Admit it and try not to repeat it.  Hell, apologize if you caused the fender-bender.  Don't come up with some lame, patronizing excuse like "Oh, it's winter and roads are always slippery."  That just pisses people off.  Apologize and mean it.

Please, Citizens of Grande Prairie, AB, be courteous and patient.  Your life may depend on it.

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