Thursday 2 July 2015

Authority Abusers

You know, I usually make my kids toe the rule line.  Meaning, teach them to respect people in authority and follow rules laid out by those in charge -- even when the rules are stupid, although I do allow them to push the stupid rules.  Because, seriously, as adults we question rules that make no sense.  It doesn't mean we're disrespectful, as adults.  So why is it disrespect for kids -- especially teenagers -- to question rules that aren't right?

To me, the ability to learn to question things that are wrong is part of becoming an adult.  As an adult, you better be able to explain the reason behind that rule to a teen.  Nicely, despite the attitude rolling in waves off the teen.  Yes, I know how hard the "nicely" is to accomplish.  I have two teens.  Truthfully?  There are many times, I don't accomplish the explanation nicely with my teens.

However, there are many people in places of authority who abuse the power of their position.  From police officers to politicians, school principals to managers.  What amazes me is how these authority abusers have no idea how to handle a person who: 

     a) has a brain and can talk in a common sense manner, and;
     b) has the balls to stand up to them when they abuse their authority.

Let's backtrack to my daughter's final half day at I.V. Macklin Public School.  Her principal decides to go on the warpath because some girls in grade 8 "planned" to thwart her on the dress code rules.  None of the grade 8 girls will be back in that school next year.  I'm going to add that my daughter wasn't one of the girls in on this plan.  She simply didn't want to sweat to death on the final day of school.  So what point was this authority abuser trying to make???  I still haven't figured that out, considering she absolutely refused to answer my question.  The other question I asked, which she also categorically refused to answer, was why would she even bother to pull rank on dress code for the final 3 1/2 hours of the school year -- mostly with girls who wouldn't be returning?

Not to mention, the woman couldn't speak without yelling at me.  At one point she was about 3" from my face screaming about how it was her school, her rules, and no one but her got to make them.  Well, we all know that's bullshit since it's actually the school board who makes the rules.  She just gets to attempt to enforce them.  Only problem is, you also have to use a little common sense when enforcing rules.  Last and final day is NOT the time to decide to be an arrogant, power-tripping twat waffle.  Unless, of course, your intention is to have multiple parents jumping down your throat for your galactic stupidity.

However, in my daughter's case, the issue was quickly turned away from the clothing -- which was completely appropriate with no body parts hanging out that shouldn't have been -- to the fact she had texted me from the office to "tattle".  Once said principal realized this she asked my daughter to put her phone away.  She placed it face-down on her lap -- no pockets big enough to place it in and no backpack with her.  The prinicipal's next response was a verbal attempt at confiscating her phone, to which my daughter responded with full-on teenage attitude and told her she'd better call her mom, repeating several times she needed to call mom because she wasn't allowed to confiscate her phone.

Sorry, but every teacher, principal, and vice principal has been told never to confiscate her phone due to medical reasons.  If adults can't abide by a simple rule designed to keep my child safe, why does my kid have to follow your rules???  Rules you often twist to your advantage??? 

Unfortunately, every year, for the last 4 1/2 years, we've had to do battle over this issue.  With at least one teacher, principal or vice-principal.  WHY???  Why can't these people just listen???  She needs her phone to be able to talk to me about her Type 1 Diabetes, whenever and wherever she may be.

While this so-called professional was screaming at me about my daughter's attitude about her phone, I asked why she'd even bothered trying to take it?  Reminded her that she'd been informed a few times this is an absolute no-no.  Not for any reason.  She very arrogantly told me that she wasn't using it for medical purposes, but to tattle.

Yes.  Yes, she was tattling on you.  Because you were standing there yelling at her, attempting to pull rank in an area you have all been instructed not to.  She has full rights to notify her parents and refuse to speak to you when someone in your position has forgotten what it is to treat a child with dignity and respect.  We've repeatedly told both of our girls not to speak when pulled into the office for something stupid like this.  The only thing they are to say is:  Call my mom and dad.  Call my mom and dad.

In my mind, this woman's actual problem was her "authority carpet" got firmly yanked out from under her arrogant, authority-abusing feet.  When faced with common sense questions pointing to just this fact, she refused to answer.  The reason she felt it necessary to scream is because she knew she was wrong to pull this stunt.  People who get this upset usually are wrong and they know it.  That's why they scream.

But you know what?  I'm exhausted of this battle over the phone for people who have absolutely no clue how quickly my daughter's blood glucose can change.  Stress, excitement, exercise, hormones, illness and many other factors play a role in blood glucose.  And, YES, this can change very quickly in certain circumstances.  I've watched her go from an in-range number to dangerously low in a matter of fifteen minutes.  I've also seen her blood glucose sky-rocket in a similar manner -- for no apparent reason.

Due to the stress this power-tripping principal put my daughter under, her blood glucose sky-rocketed.  It took all day to bring her back into range.  So most definitely, her texting me had to do with her health -- even if you didn't think it did.

Bottom line is this:  unless you deal with this chronic and life threatening disease every, single day, your opinion of what is necessary doesn't count.  Got that?  Especially when you have no medical training.  My teenage daughter carries a far heavier weight and responsibility than 90% of the adults out there.  One mistake could cost her life.  Really.  So kindly back the fuck off.

Before you lose your shit on the next kid whose parent steps on your authority-abusing toes, you might use your head to think about the kid's circumstances.  Then categorically pull your abusive head out of your ass, call said kid's parents and speak to them -- not yell -- speak.  If you insist on yelling at adults, just remember, they will yell back because we aren't kids -- or stupid -- nor do we have to take your shit.  Got that?


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