Saturday 14 November 2015

Keep Canada Safe

My heart breaks for the people in Paris suffering so much loss and terror last night.  Words cannot express.

However, the rest of us need to start getting serious about protecting our own countries.  No doubt there are many cells of these extremists already hiding on our soil, as some have probably been born here.  It is an absolute shame these Canadians have been brainwashed to believe in a fanatical and maniacal so-called religion.  It's why I regularly say organized religions are evil.  Throughout history, many wars have been started in the name of religion.  It's time this stopped.

I also don't understand how our own Prime Minister can promote bringing more migrants into our country -- with similar beliefs to these ISIS extremists -- in the name of kindness.  I don't think he's watching the world.  I don't think he's studied history.  The purpose of studying history is to prevent further world atrocities, is it not?

Why are there so many men and such few women and children escaping Syria?  Why isn't the media showing the chaos in Sweden -- caused by Islamic people living there -- burning vehicles, attacking emergency workers, etc?  Why doesn't the media show the Islamic people in Paris attacking complete strangers on the streets?  Is he blind to the implications of these migrants attacking closed borders in Europe -- destroying their tents, clothing and food?  Does Trudeau not see this?  Does he not question this?  Is this what we want here - war, chaos and terror?  Have we learned NOTHING from history?  The peaceful majority were over run by a mere 7% of Nazi believers.  Look at the atrocities that came from 7% of the people. 

Oh, I know what Liberal-minded voters will say.  That I'm fear-mongering.  Racist.  Hateful.  That's why they voted Stephen Harper out.  There was too much common sense coming out of his mouth.  I am none of those labels.  I also believe there are some very genuine refugees leaving Syria.  I believe there are some good people in the Islamic/Muslim faith -- people who believe in peace and understand the freedom of choice.  If you truly  want to help the refugees:  Stop the war.  Stop ISIS.  We can't stop them by pulling military support out, as Trudeau has done.

Trudeau wants to hug them, love them, give them all of our hard-earned money to support them.  What about our homeless?  Elderly?  Poverty stricken families with barely enough to feed, clothe and house their children?  What about those with serious medical conditions who must travel to receive the appropriate care?  What about them?  Trudeau needs to help our own first.

Now, answer this question:  do you honestly want this type of violence on our soil? 

That question is why I don't agree with bringing more middle-eastern migrants into our country.  I think we will be inviting civil war here.  There are too many able-bodied men "escaping" -- without their women and children.  To me, that screams infiltration.  Why aren't these able-bodied men fighting against ISIS to save their own country?  For the numbers leaving, they could have helped overthrow the caliphate by now.  They could be living in peace and rebuilding their own country.  Why aren't they?  Cowards?  Definitely.  Hidden agenda?  Maybe.

Think about this:  if civil war were to come to our soil, who do you most want to protect?  Can you protect your family, friends, country?  Do you have weapons -- and know how to use them?  It's pretty hard to protect yourself from a maniacal moron with a bomb strapped to his or her chest. 

I have a daughter whom I would not be able to protect from her own body, should we have war on this soil, with no more medications being produced and no power.  I can't stock-pile insulin.  It has an expiry date.  Not to mention, if it gets too warm or too cold, it isn't effective.  She's one of many with similar medical issues.  Have any of you thought of that when inviting potential terrorists to our soil?  Bet you haven't.

The best way to help these migrants, is to keep our western countries safe.  For the entire world to arm themselves and go kick ISIS ass. 

Trudeau needs to man up and protect the country he was voted in to lead.  His first priority are the citizens of Canada.  Somehow, watching his lame little speech last night, I doubt he has the capability.

Please.  Keep Canada safe.  Quit inviting potential terrorism here.  Help the migrants by ending the war in their country so they can go home and rebuild.

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