Monday 25 November 2013

Love Christmas?

Ever wonder why some people love Christmas sooo much it makes you sick?  Christmas trees and decorations up the moment Halloween is done... Extravagant light displays -- up and on -- no later than mid-November...  Counting down the days from the beginning of September or earlier...  Hell, the stores don't even wait for Halloween to be over before they are bringing out the Christmas stuff...

Me?  I've lost the Christmas spirit.  It is 100% commercialized and has simply become a competition as to who can give the biggest and best gifts to family and friends, rather than a thoughtful gift that actually means something to both the giver and receiver.  It's not really about giving any more.  It's about the "give-me's".

Everyone has their hand out at Christmas -- various charities, churches, and community organizations -- with pleas about it being the season to give.  What about the rest of the year?  Don't people need help to eat, keep a roof over their heads, experience a little kindness throughout the rest of the year?  Why is it only at Christmas these needs suddenly become so demanding?

Christmas isn't even about family any more.  Not really.  Not when you hear how so many people speak about their family members the rest of the year; how hateful they are, misguided, stupid, selfish, completely messed up.  It's a prerequisite to spend time with them during the "Season" -- not because you love or enjoy being around them but because you have to...

So go ahead.  Label me a Scrooge.  Or a Humbug.  Or any other label you want to attach to my disgust of a previously enjoyed holiday.  A holiday that once had meaning, fun, kindness and love attached to it.  I plan to spend it with my husband and daughters, thankful for a few days off work and the excuse to eat a great meal...

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