Monday 4 November 2013

Rights versus Responsibility

Today, people talk a lot about their rights.  We all have them, but some people are definitely more knowledgeable about their rights.  Rights are supposed to be the same, no matter our age or race, aren't they?

What are rights, anyway? 

Basically, rights are a set of rules to follow.  We all have the right to drive.  We have the right to a high school education.  We all have the right to work.  We have the right to health care.  There are too many rights to list.

What society has forgotten to teach people is how to exercise their rights responsibly.  In fact, no one is responsible or accountable for their actions anymore, but they certainly know their rights.  If you make a mistake, own it.  Don't make excuses.  Don't scream about your rights because they are the same as mine.

Now, let's talk about rights versus responsibility.

If you pass the driver's exam, you have earned the right to drive.  Does this mean once you have your licence you can throw out all of the rules of the road, simply because you have the earned right to drive?  No.  You have the responsibility to drive defensively and to follow the rules so you don't endanger others or yourself.  This doesn't just go for driving.  People also have a tendency to park in the most deplorable manners, endangering everyone, because it's their "right".

Working is also a right that needs to be earned.  If you have no work ethic and refuse to accept the responsibilities of your job, soon you will be unemployed -- unless you know how to kiss the boss's ass exceptionally well.

Healthcare?  Well, healthcare is one of those where taxpayers are the clients.  A little fact often forgotten by those working within the system.  Instead, patients are often treated as second class citizens and their issues are not properly addressed.  Rather, they are shuffled out as quickly as possible.  There is very little responsibility -- and certainly no accountability -- placed at their feet.  Now don't get me wrong, I know some amazing nurses.

The next time you feel the need to spout off about your rights, remember you have the responsibility to use those rights in an appropriate manner.  Don't endanger someone because the idea of your rights super-cedes that of responsibility.

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